Developing strategic responses to displacement in South Sudan
Year of Publication
Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
NGO associated?
Given the dire humanitarian crisis in South Sudan, DFID commissioned research into patternsof displacement in order to guide policy and planning. The feildwork covered the areas mostaffected by the post-2013 conflict; Upper Nile, Jonglei and Unity. It did not cover the newareas of conflict (e.g. the Equatorias) which would merit further work. The researchers visitedProtection of Civilians (POC) sites, informal internally displaced person (IDP) settlementsreceiving international or government assistance, and dispersed places hosting displacedpeople which are either not receiving assistance or only assistance from a local community.
Sites were chosen to ensure a mix of factors, including displacement in zones of active orrecent conflict as well as relatively stable areas, and whether IDPs were living among peopleperceived as being on the same side in the conflict or not. In all cases, people were accessedthrough partnerships with organisations with strong links to communities. The findings weretested at a validation workshop held in Juba, and the report was externally reviewed.
Sites were chosen to ensure a mix of factors, including displacement in zones of active orrecent conflict as well as relatively stable areas, and whether IDPs were living among peopleperceived as being on the same side in the conflict or not. In all cases, people were accessedthrough partnerships with organisations with strong links to communities. The findings weretested at a validation workshop held in Juba, and the report was externally reviewed.