NGO-associated Reports/Research
Priorities for Peace in South Sudan
Published: 2020Topics: PeacebuildingThe State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SOCO)
Published: 2020Topics: Agriculture'We are subjects, not objects in health' Communities taking action on COVID-19
Published: 2020Topics: HealthWOMEN LEADING LOCALLY: Exploring women’s leadership in humanitarian action in Bangladesh and South Sudan
Published: 2020Topics: Gender, Humanitarian ResponseJapan’s Contemporary Approach to Foreign Policy Aligns With Its Strategic National Interests: A Case Study of United Nations Mission in South Sudan
Published: 2020Topics: PeacebuildingAccess to Health for Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in South Sudan
Published: 2020Topics: Humanitarian Response, PeacebuildingIs development aid to strengthen health systems during protracted conflict a useful investment? The case of South Sudan, 2011–2015
Published: 2020Topics: HealthTrade and Sustainable Development Goal 2 – Policy options and their trade-offs
Published: 2020Topics: AgricultureConflict Sensitivity Analysis: Considerations for the Humanitarian Response in Mangalla
Published: 2020Topics: Humanitarian ResponseCHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES: Ensuring their inclusion in COVID-19 response strategies and evidence generation
Published: 2020Topics: Humanitarian Response