
CCCM Cluster | South Sudan | Daily Labor Rates for PoC / IDP Sites for the month of February 2023

CCCM Cluster
Following consultations among stakeholders, the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG), Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), and humanitarian agencies recommended and endorsed below labor rates for different categories of casual workers inside IDP Camps/protection of civilian sites (PoCs). The official UN exchange rate of 1 USD for the month of February 2023 is 729.167 SSP.

Countries at high-risk of possible El Niño impact, July-December 2023

IASC Global ENSO Analysis Cell
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) declared the onset of El Niño conditions in early July as a result of rapid and substantial changes in oceanic conditions observed in recent months. According to the latest predictions from the WMO Global Producing Centres of Long-Range Forecasts, there is a 90% probability of El Niño persisting during the second half of 2023.