
South Sudan Humanitarian Need and Response Plan 2024

The Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) of South Sudan is committed to a future that sees people being self-reliant. Sadly, evidence-based needs remain high, and the people of South Sudan will continue to require significant support from the international community throughout 2024.
An estimated 9 million people, including refugees in South Sudan, will experience critical needs in 2024. As the HCT, we aim to target 6 million of these people with some form of humanitarian support, depending on the resources available. This means that some people will experience needs that humanitarians cannot respond to.
The HCT’s two-year strategy, articulated in this document, seeks to maximise opportunities to address peoples’ needs in a collaborative and cooperative way with peace and development actors, leveraging opportunities to address the root causes and drivers of peoples’ needs. The strategy will be reviewed after one year or when the context changes.

South Sudan: Response scale-up for highly food insecure areas situation report No. 7 as of May 31 2021

More than one million dollars’ worth of humanitarian supplies and assets were looted and destroyed during armed attacks in May, impacting the delivery of assistance to an estimated 131,000 people in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA).
In May, FSL Cluster partners reached 224,000 people in GPAA with food assistance. This represents 49 per cent of the people targeted. It is part of a double distribution for May and June and will be completed in June. Sub-national violence led to the suspension of food distributions in Gumuruk in early May.
The FSL Cluster reached 107,000 households in the six priority 1 counties with dry season livelihood support in May. This represents 63 per cent of the people targeted.
WASH partners reached 81,700 people, out of 175,000 targeted, with WASH/non-food item kits and basic hygiene messaging in communities affected by high global acute malnutrition and/or high incidence of diarrheal diseases.
The Health Cluster provided consultations to 65,000 people in the six priority 1 counties in May. Trainings in comprehensive management of rape cases and integrated disease surveillance and response system were provided.
Nutrition partners treated 13,000 severe acute malnutrition, 30,000 moderate acute malnutrition children and 26,000 pregnant and lactating women, in the six priority 1 counties during the reporting period.
The Logistics Cluster transported 180 metric tons of humanitarian cargo by air in May to support partners in priority areas inaccessible by road, mostly in Akobo and Pibor. Some 480 square metre of common storage space was made available to the humanitarian community in Akobo.
In May, Protection Cluster partners reached 6,270 people with general protection interventions including through protection by presence, protection monitoring, awareness raising, protection and cash assistance. More than 9,200 people were reached with various gender-based violence services, including Women and Girls Friendly Space activities and 56 people received psychosocial support or case management. Dignity kits were distributed to 3,160 women and girls. Child Protection partners provided services to 10,250 people, including 3,700 girls and 3,630 boys through case management, family tracing and reunification services for unaccompanied and separated children, and community-based psychosocial support to children and caregivers.

South Sudan HF Annual Report 2020

This Annual Report presents information on the achievements of the South Sudan Humanitarian Fund during the 2020 calendar year. The humanitarian situation for people in South Sudan remains dire. By the end of the year, the number of people in need reached an all-time high of 8.3 million, compared to 7.2 million and 7.5 million at the same time in 2018 and 2019, respectively. The new caseload includes 8 million South Sudanese and 0.3 million refugees and asylum seekers.

Pre-Travel Q14 Procedure, SOPs and Templates

The SOP is intended to provide guidance on Q14 to passengers intending to travel interstate out of Juba on essential mission.
- SOP: Pre-Travel Q14 Procedure;
- Q14 Authorization Letter Template;
- Q14 Staff Register Template;
- Q14Tracking Template.