South Sudan NGO Forum is concerned by recent allegations of Sexual abuse involving NGOs

Juba, South Sudan, 07 June 2024. South Sudan NGO Forum, a collective representing 112 international NGOs and 233 national NGOs, is deeply concerned by the recent allegations of sexual abuse involving NGOs operating in South Sudan, as reported in the article titled "Lawmaker Alleges NGO Sexual Abuse in South Sudan."1 We unequivocally condemn any form of sexual exploitation and abuse and reaffirm our commitment to zero tolerance for such egregious misconduct.
The safety, dignity, and well-being of the people we serve are paramount, and any breach of trust or violation of rights is completely unacceptable. We take these allegations very seriously and are committed to conducting thorough investigations into any reports of sexual exploitation or abuse involving NGOs in South Sudan.
As a collective of non-governmental organizations driven by humanitarian principles and ethical conduct, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of accountability, transparency, and integrity in all our operations. We recognize the importance of robust safeguarding measures, including prevention, detection, and response mechanisms, to protect vulnerable populations and prevent harm. In recent quarterly reporting, 85% of members routinely trained personnel, improving understanding of sexual exploitation and abuse policies. Additionally, 130 training sessions were held with staff and community members.

We are committed to working in partnership with all stakeholders to strengthen safeguarding policies and practices, enhance accountability mechanisms, and ensure justice and support for survivors.

We urge anyone who has experienced or witnessed sexual exploitation or abuse by individuals associated with NGOs in South Sudan to report their concerns to the National PSEA Taskforce at [email protected]. All reports are treated with the utmost seriousness and sensitivity, ensuring that appropriate action is taken in accordance with established procedures and legal frameworks ensuring the protection of victims, witnesses and whistleblowers.

The NGO Forum remains steadfast in its commitment to promoting the safety, dignity, and rights of all individuals affected by conflict, displacement, and humanitarian crises in South Sudan. We stand united in our determination to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse, and to build a safer and more inclusive future for all.

For further inquiries or to schedule a meeting, please contact Mohammed Moukine Billah, Acting Director of South Sudan NGO Forum Secretariat at [email protected].