Durable Solutions

Submitted by admin on Mon, 07/15/2024 - 10:26

The NGO Forum Working Group on Durable Solutions (DSWG) was established in 2019 to promote a unified NGO voice on issues relating to durable solutions in South Sudan. The Working Group is comprised of members from INGOs and NNGOs and is co-led by DRC and NRC.

South Sudanese continue to face suffering and impediments to longer term recovery as a result of internal displacement. There is strong recognition by the Government of South Sudan, humanitarian, peacebuilding and development actors, as well as affected populations on the need for concerted efforts to support early and longer-term solutions to displacement. The NGO Forum’s Durable Solutions Working Group exists to foster collaboration, coordination an exchange on durable solutions to advance principled approaches to durable solutions in South Sudan. A critical starting point is good evidence, analysis and learning. This resource page consolidates and collates relevant analysis, data, and policies on durable solutions for actors working on durable solutions. 

Disclaimer- sharing of these resources does not indicate direct endorsement or agreement by NGOF or the DSWG and its members.
